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Article No. 61-AHAP
AHAP with 6 Stations, Wavesoldering, automatic Testingstation etc...Article No. 61-OMICHRON
Pillarhouse Omichron automatic Flux and SolderingArticle No. 61-1FNT1
Marsilli FNT1Article No. 62-Zewa
Zewa 2W0R-80-TE, max 500°CArticle No. 62-T10
Ersa T10 130WattArticle No. 61-ISEL
Isel Flux and Dry with SolderingArticle No. 61-REEF
Reef Flux and SolderingArticle No. 62-Ers2
Ersa T2 Tigeldiameter 20mmArticle No. 9-H160
H160 Gasproduction 160 Lt/hourArticle No. 62-Ersa20
Ersa T2 20mm Tigeldiameter Controller Busch and JägerArticle No. 61-TLMSpareparts
Meteor TLM SparepartsArticle No. 62-ErsaT25
Ersa T25 Solderpotsize 50x70mm 260WArticle No. 61-FNT
Marsilli FNT as it isArticle No. 9-H350
H350 Gasproduction 350 Lt/hourArticle No. 61-BEA
Beaver LötrundtischArticle No. 62-T09
Ersa T02 Tigelsize 170x140mmArticle No. 9-H700
H700 Gasproduction 700 Lt/hourArticle No. 61-MeteorMRT051
Meteor MRT051 free ProgrammableArticle No. 62-Zevatron
Zevatron Digital ControllerArticle No. 9-H3200
H3200 Gasproduction 2133 Lt/hourArticle No. 61-MRT051L
Meteor MRT051-LArticle No. 9-H5200
H5200 Gasproduction 3466 Lt/hourArticle No. 9-H1600
H1600 Gasproduction 1066Lt/hourArticle No. 62-Pillarhouse
Pillarhouse Wavesoldering FP110 und FP120Article No. 61-C
Pillarhouse Cadet-Flussmittel / Versiegelung, Tiefe und Zeit programmierbarArticle No. 62-SOLDERPOT
Newsolderpot Several configurations of solder pots static, rotating, wave system, able to work with lead free alloys, are available for the soldering of copper wires with or without enamel insulation.Article No. 61-TLMSP
TLM mit SpulendrehungArticle No. 62-KPOT
Solder Pot Diameter 60mm, Deep 40mmArticle No. 62-Lemachern
Big Solderpot 100x300mm Controller Fa LemachernArticle No. 61-MRT-GR
Meteor MRT Lötrundtisch nur 600 BetriebsstdArticle No. 62-ERSA10
Ersa Tigelsize 100x30mmArticle No. 61-epm
epm Premium 400 TMS Year 2006 approx. 242 WorkinghoursArticle No. 61-REFL
Ersa Reflow 2007 other machines also availableArticle No. 61-TLOM
Meteor TLM Flux and Wavesoldering and automatic Coil take awayArticle No. 6-MIGO
Migomat- Löt-SchweißgerätArticle No. 64-PolysorbM2
Polysorb M2Article No. 64-ESTA
ESTA SRF P 13 L Year 1999Article No. 62-ET
Solder pot ET93/110A Diameter 110mm Deep 38mm, max Zinn weight 3kgArticle No. 63-ZIPA
Selektivlötanlage InterSelect IS-I-510S, BJ 2012, ca. 500 h Laufzeit Kompaktes automatische Stand Alone und In-Line Selektiv-Lötsysteme mit Micro Drop Fluxer, Ober- und Unterheizung, mit bis zu zwei unabhängig arbeitenden wartungsarmen Lötmodulen pro MascArticle No. 62-Rotadip
Rotadip RD3 Solderpot Diameter 80mm, Deep 60mmArticle No. 62-ZevatronLBX1000
Zevatron LBX 1000, Deep 80mm, Diameter 18mm, max 500°C, Solder 4,3kg less working hours[ X ]