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Article No. 531-AS7
Aumann AS7 bis 2,5mm DrahtdurchmesserArticle No. 531-2AS6
Aumann AS6, Cupperdiameter max 1,25mm, also as a single Version availableArticle No. 532-TG
Wirebreak TG 0,3-2,5mmArticle No. 53-4dereeler
4 Dereelers Irondiameter 30mm, Coillenght1 ist 25cm Coillenght 2 ist 54cm, Size H180cm T 100cm B 70cmArticle No. 534-NEWT
NEW Tensioner, max Spool flange 710mm, max Spool width 250mm, max Spool weight 200kg, max Tension 105Nm at 6 bar, strong steel frame, pneumatic Disc Brake, adjustableby air regulator,an air shut off allows to pull the wire to the machine without a breakfoArticle No. 534-Ruff
Ruff Wire dereeler like new, Hydraulic Diskbrake, Spooldiameter 1000mm, weight of spool max 350kg,Article No. 53-A&B
A&B Haspel, AHLF 750-500, Year 2001, max 750kg, Bandwide max 500mm, Spread min 90mm, max 200mm, Outdiameter 500mm, 2,2kW, max 60m/minArticle No. 53-Pleuger25
PWM25 motoric DereelerArticle No. 53-Pleuger1
Motoric Dereeler PleugerArticle No. 534-250N
50-250N Coildiameter max 600mm, Coillenght 350mmArticle No. 533-Abroller
Soprem Typ 2310/F/W/SPEZ Magtnetic Break, Breakforce with Potti adjustable, Coilweight max 300kg, Diameter 34mm, Lenght 330mm, 220 Volt, Haspeldiameter 150-350mmArticle No. 53-AS6AS8
Aumann AS8Article No. 534-Abroller
Dereeling max Force 10kgArticle No. 534-Coil
Electric Spool Tension SystemArticle No. 534-ServoTensioner
Servo driven Spool TensionerArticle No. 534-400N
50-400N max Wirediameter 4mmArticle No. 53-MeteorH6
Meteor H6Article No. 53-MeteorH2
Meteor H2Article No. 53-4
4 fach motorisch angebriebener AbrollerArticle No. 53-NewTensioner
Article No. 533-ABR90
Motorisch angetriebener Anroller um 90° schwenkbarArticle No. 53-SelveAb
SelveArticle No. 533-MEAB
Meteor H Abroller, auch 4 fach an einer Säule vorhandenArticle No. 533-MIAB
Micafil Drahtabroller div Größen , dif SizesArticle No. 533-8KW
Motorischer Abroller 8kwArticle No. 533-TAB
TAB Behältersausspuler für Drähte von 0,3-1,2mm DurchmesserArticle No. 533-BA
BA S/T/SO Überkopfabroller für DrahtvorratsrollenArticle No. 53-BAN400
Bodenabroller neu - pneumatisch 50-400N Wirediameter 1-4mmArticle No. 53-BAN250
Bodenabroller neu. 50-250N Wirediameter 1-3mm Weight 27kgArticle No. 532-THAB
Thonke DrahtabrollerArticle No. 533-FH88
IWT Abroller FH88 0,02-1,2mm Lieferspulen min 25mm max 160mmArticle No. 53-Schümann127
Schümann 127 for 4 Coils like new Year 2015Article No. 533-GAB
Coillenght max 200mm, Coildiameter max. 350 mm, min. Innerdiameter 13mmArticle No. 53-Abx
Floortensioner, Breakforce adjustable, X Achse 700mm on Rails, Innerdiameter 24mm, max Spool flange 900mm, max Spool width 270mm,Article No. 53-AS6s
Aumann AS6 max 1,25mm like newArticle No. 53-As7g
Aumann AS7 max 2,5mm like new[ X ]